PLR6435 Protocol Master PlantLinc family of modems was developed for short to medium-range in-plant wireless installations. PLR6435 primarily functions as a Master modem as part of the PLR6400 system that offers an industrial-grade, cost-effec [...]

PLR6400 Protocol to I/O & I/O to I/O System The system includes 900 MHz PLR6435 Master & PLR6430 I/O to I/O Interface PLR Wireless I/O System: License-free 900 MHz ISM band Range up to 5 miles (8 km) SmartSpectrum™ Technology for maxi [...]

PLR6430 I/O Remote or I/O to I/O Discover the possibilities with our cutting-edge FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) radio modem. Seamlessly exchange I/O to I/O data or deploy it as a Protocol to I/O solution at remote sites, seamlessly [...]

PLR6030 - Medium-Range FHSS 900 MHz Serial Radio Modem • License-free 900 MHz ISM band • Range of up to 5 miles (8Km)* • Smart Spectrum™ Technology for maximum data integrity, even in noisy industrial environments • RS232/485 data port • AES 2 [...]

CIX6435 Protocol Master CIX6435, is the heart of Data-Linc Group's Communication Interface I/O EXtender (CIX) System for the license-free 900MHz ISM band. This system offers an industrial-grade, cost-effective solution for protocol to I/O comm [...]

CIX6430 I/O Remote or I/O to I/O Discover the possibilities with our cutting-edge FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) radio modem. Seamlessly exchange I/O to I/O data or deploy it as a Protocol to I/O solution at remote sites, seamlessly [...]

CIX6400 Protocol to I/O & I/O to I/O System System includes 900 MHz CIX6435 Protocol Master & CIX6430 Wireless Remote I/O I/O device-interface to Ethernet or serial– Ethernet/IP, DF1, Modbus TCP/IP & Modbus RTU protocols 12-bit an [...]

SRM8200 – Long-Range, FHSS 900 MHz Ethernet-Serial Radio Modem Need Speed & Range? Solution – SRM8200 License-free in the 900MHz band Employs Advanced Adaptive FHSS technology RF speeds up to 4 Mbps Range up to 40 Miles Supports Ethernet [...]