Find A Regional Sales Office

Regional sales groups contact information

To request support or information on specific requirements, please address your e-mail to one of the following regional sales groups (see map below):

Eastern US & Canada

Eastern US & Canada

Western USA & Canada

Western US & Canada

Latin America

Asia Pacific

International Sales & Inquiries

Juan Vargas  Latin America    HQ: (425) 882-2206 Ext. 222   jv*****@da*******.net

Karen Perlbachs Asia Pacific HQ: (425) 882-2206 Ext. 215  in**@da*******.net

TJ Wong  PR China, Taiwan    Tech Support   tj****@da*******.net

Jim Steffey  Europe       HQ: (425) 882-2206   eu****@da*******.com

Karen Perlbachs India subcontinent  HQ: (425) 882-2206 Ext. 215  in**@da*******.net

Karen Perlbachs Midddle East  HQ: (425) 882-2206 Ext. 215  in**@da*******.net

Corporate Headquarters  Rest of World  HQ: (425) 882-2206   in**@da*******.com

For more information about Data-Linc Group, our broad line of wireless and wire-line modems, or for sales and technical support inquiries, contact Corporate Headquarters via telephone, fax, or email.